Course Description

To be most effective, your message should be constructed with six persuasion elements:
1. A grabber: a short, but effective way to communicate your value proposition that goes beyond simply using words. It will
make it easier for your audience to start focusing their mental energy on your solution because it will trigger an immediate emotional response.
2. Your claims: the top three reasons why they should buy from you or adopt your idea. By nature, these are not only unique
benefits of your subject, but they also define the structure of your message: the three chapters under which your selling
arguments are organized.
3. Your big picture: a simple graphical representation of how your product, service, or idea will impact the world of your prospect or audience. Visual stimuli are so critical to the primal brain that you need to present a bird’s eye view of the
result of what you promote.
4. Your proofs of gain: the primal brain is not very evolved and quite skeptical, so you should provide simple, yet strong and
effective proofs of your value. Quantify the financial, strategic, and personal value of each of your claims and contrast it with
your cost. Make it fit on one page regardless of the complexity
of your solution.
5. The reframe of their objections: using logic cannot uproot the negative emotion associated with the fear of regret communicated by your audience. Use a reframe to create a positive emotion.

6. A closing: repeat your claims one more time and ask: “What do you think?” Wait for their feedback and ask: “Where do
we go from here?” and wait for their response. Triggering their law of consistency is the most effective way to make your prospect of the audience move along the sales or mental continuum to accept your solution or idea.

And to further increase the impact of any of those persuasion elements, use one or more of the seven persuasion catalysts:
1. Tell stories: It will transport your audience in a different world where you control the emotion communicated by the punch line.
2. Use your charisma: Use the words, tone of voice, and body language most conducive to persuasion.
3. Word with you: Put your audience in the center of the action by using the most influential word in the English language!
4. Apply contrast: Increase the impact of your persuasion elements by using more contrast: before/after, your competitors/
you, their pain/their gain.
5. Vary teaching modalities: Choose the modality most effective to communicate the concept you are presenting. Most people only use the auditory channel. Make your message more visual
and more kinesthetic.
6. Trigger emotions: People make emotional decisions and
rationalize them later. Use more emotions to trigger faster
7. Make it short: More information leads to confusion, not persuasion.
Less is more, so focus on pain, claims, and gain and remove the rest!


Patrick Renvoise

Patrick, a French born nerd quickly became an expert in complex sales. He headed Global Business Development efforts first at Silicon Graphics then as Executive Director of Business Development at LinuxCare. In the course of closing over $3B of business transactions and selling multi-million-dollar super-computers to NASA, Boeing, Shell, Canon, BMW, Airbus and more, he met with some of the smartest people on earth and he became fascinated by the human mind.Pushed by a strong desire to seek the truth about Sales & Marketing, Patrick discovered the buy button inside the brain.To access this button, he spent 2 years researching and formalizing a science-based MAP. This NeuroMAP™ has helped over 6,000 companies’ worldwide get their message truly understood by the brain of their customers.Patrick received a Masters in Computer Science from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (Lyon, France) and he is currently serving as Chief Neuromarketing Officer and Co-Founder of SalesBrain.To get a diagnostic on the impact of your sales and marketing strategy on the brain of your customers, contact Patrick at: [email protected]

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Delivery to the Primal Brain

    • Slides and speaking notes (All Rights Reserved SalesBrain 2002-2020)

    • Persuasion Elements and Persuasion Catalysts

  • 2

    Persuasion Catalyst #3: CREDIBILITY -- the power of WORDS --Persuasion Catalyst #1

    • Credibility: your words

  • 3

    CREDIBILITY: The power of VOICE

    • Credibility: Your Voice

  • 4


    • Credibility: Body language

  • 5

    Persuasion Element #1: GRABBERS -- Going beyond words in 7 seconds or less

    • Introduction

  • 6

    GRABBERS: Analogy

    • Analogies

  • 7

    GRABBERS: Rhetorical Questions

    • Rethorical questions

  • 8

    GRABBERS: Number Play

    • Number Play

  • 9

    GRABBERS: Props

    • Props

  • 10

    GRABBERS: Mini Drama

    • Mini drama

  • 11

    GRABBERS: Stories -- Persuasion Catalyst #2

    • Stories

  • 12

    Persuasion Element #2: CLAIMS

    • Claims

  • 13

    Persuasion Element #3: BIG PICTURE

    • Big Pictures

  • 14

    Persuasion Element #4: PROOFS OF GAIN

    • Proofs of GAIN

  • 15

    Persuasion Element #5: OBJECTION REFRAME

    • Objection Reframe

  • 16

    Persuasion Element #6: CLOSE

    • 3 point close

  • 17

    Persuasion Catalyst #5: VARY TEACHING MODES

    • Teaching modalities

  • 18

    Persuasion Catalyst #6: EMOTIONS

    • Emotions

  • 19

    Persuasion Catalyst #4: CONTRAST

    • Contrast

  • 20

    Persuasion Catalyst #7: MAKE IT SHORT

    • Make it short

  • 21


    • Conclusion

  • 22


    • Quiz for Delivery to the PRIMAL Brain

  • $295.00

    $295.00The Persuasion Code: Deliver to the Primal Brain

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